From Netflix:
This thriller follows the ups and downs of thief Franck Adrien, who’s serving prison time for a job whose proceeds he’s safely stashed away. But when the hidden loot and his family are compromised, Franck has no choice but to bust out early.
When you start to watch this film you get a choice of the original French version or the Americanized (i.e. dubbed) version. In addition with the English version you can select subtitles.
Brace yourselves because this is a very exciting, tense, well-done and violent French film. According to IMDB Albert Dupontel (the prison escapee Franck Adrien) has an impressive acting resumé. What does strain credibility is the actor’s superman ability to run, fight, leap from tall heights, recover from wounds and escape the police over and over. But then American movies are full of unbelievable superheroes.
In some sense the real star of the film is Stéphane Debac who plays Jean-Louis Maurel, a really creepy, clever, manipulative, charming serial killer of young girls. He kidnaps Franck Adrien’s little girl. Originally Franck escaped prison because he thought his $2 million stash was in danger. But most of the film concerns his efforts to rescue his daughter.
Suspense lasts till the last moment. If you like a really tight, tense plot then DO NOT MISS!