From NetFlix:
In this series that spun off from “Doctor Who,” policewoman Gwen Cooper (Eve Myles) stumbles upon a secret organization known as Torchwood, a clandestine group led by the mysterious Capt. Jack Harkness (John Barrowman) that monitors alien activity on Earth. Cooper soon joins Harkness, tech expert Toshiko Sato (Naoko Mori) and medic Owen Harper (Burn Gorman) in their quest to protect Earth from invasion.
OK all you kids out there, if you liked either “Doctor Who” or “Lost” or “X-Files” and are into a lot of sex (and some violence) this is a TV series for you. You don’t have to know anything about “Doctor Who”, you just need to have that mindset. Certain characters are straight and others are gay and some few seem not to have made up their minds just yet. Start with Season One and work your way through Season Two and Season Three.
Season One
Nothing more than acceptable trash, this TV series can still be fun to watch. To give you a taste of the kind of nonsense involved, consider: An alien has come to Earth in search of orgasmic energy (yes, that is correct). This alien enters the body of a young woman who then serially attracts male sex partners. But as each young man reaches climax he turns into a small pile of dust. In time there is a trail of small piles of dust. Heard enough ?
As I recall, the last disk (7?) of Season One is not episodes, but rather extra commentary. You might not want to waste a rental on this last disc.
Season Two
Every review I read says that Season Two is better and I agree. Some episodes are stupid. But for the most part the plots are clever and varied. More interesting is that mixed in with all the nonsense are valid situations applicable to real life. For example, the fiancee of one couple has to keep her membership in Torchwood secret from her boy friend. He feels neglected, etc. etc. Sound familiar ?
Torchwood actually kills its characters permanently. The joke (ahem, important feature), however, is that Jack Harkness is condemned to live forever young. Many episodes kill him in all sorts of diabolical ways and he just keeps coming back for more. You really don’t believe I am saying this, right ?
Besides, when have you ever been to a wedding in which the bride is unfortunately pregnant with an alien whose mother alien is at the wedding in disguise waiting to nab the baby alien ?
Season Three
Season Three is one long multi-part story “Children of the Earth”. Aliens have come to earth. These aliens truly can destroy the earth at their whim. We are defenseless. The aliens demand that we give them ten percent of all the children of the earth (never mind why – you have to watch the show). What do you suppose the British politicians do in such a desperate situation ? What would you do ?
No one over the mental age of, say, 16 need apply. So why on earth am I watching this garbage ? That’s easy …