From NetFlix:
This moody drama follows the increasingly chaotic life of Francis, a crime novelist who moves to Venice to write his next book. After starting an affair with a young beauty, Francis suspects her of cheating — even as his own daughter goes missing.
“Unforgivable” is spoken in French and Italian with subtitles. Its other name is “Impardonnables”.
What a crazy mixed-up bunch of dysfunctional people! Not a single character would classify in my book as “normal”, whatever that means.
Nor are all the subplots entirely believable. We start with Francis who was a womanizer that left each woman if she confronted him about his multiple affairs. At this point he is probably in his sixties. He is in Venice and visits a rental agency looking for an apartment to rent. Lo and behold the rental agent, Judith, is the former Chanel model Carole Bouquet who just happens to be “drop dead beautiful”. You may not believe it, but during the filming she was 54 years old. At any rate she shows Francis a house on one of the Venetian islands and during that house inspection he asks her to live with him in this island house and she, of course, accepts. For me, seeing an older man having sex with a younger beauty was a first. Needless to say Judith is bi-sexual.
And the plot continues on its bizarre path. We get to meet fatherless sons finishing prison terms for violent tendencies, Judith’s former (woman) lover who is dying of cancer, Francis’ married daughter who is currently on leave from her husband in order to pursue a young Italian drug dealer, etc.
You probably get the idea by now. Not that the film was boring, just weird. Good luck!